Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ethics and views behind reproduction Essays - Human Reproduction

Ethics and views behind reproduction IVF Issues - Facts, Figures, Ethical and Emotional Issues A) SCIENTIFIC ISSUES 1) European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology 2008 REPORT for 2005 data : Please note the current success rate for IVF in Ireland is only 21.1% (in keeping with the European-wide average). This figure is reported as "deliveries per IVF cycle started in Ireland. The study abstract fails to report this figure and confusingly reports "clinical pregnancies per aspiration or per embryo transfer" ranging from 26.9% up to 30.3%. It is important to realise this is not the success rate per 100 people who started treatment but selective reporting of a sub-group within the study. According to ESHRE's data 15 to 24% of all IVF pregnancies ended in miscarriage! Only 21.1 per hundred couples achieved a successful delivery, for the most recent data available in Ireland. Interestingly Italy only have an 8% live birth rate, where they have legal guidelines to protect the embryo from conception. This shows that to achieve a reasonable success rate with IVF, you must be prepared to produce excess embryos over and above the one or two you intend to replace. This is p roblematic if one considers the scientific evidence that hu man life begins at conception. 2) IVF Not proven to be effective for unexplained Infertility : IVF is becoming popular when there is no specific explanation for infertility as it may be able to overcome a variety of problems. However, it is expensive, complicated and can have many adverse effects (including multiple births). The review of trials found that IVF ......... research is not conclusive. Adverse outcomes and costs have not been adeq uately addressed in the trials. 3) IVF BABIES AT MORE RISK OF BIRTH DEFECTS THAN NATURALLY CONCEIVED BABIES : Children conceived with assisted reproductive technology (ART), for example IVF, have about twice the risk of having a major birth defect or low birth weight than children conceived naturally, Australian and US studies show. In the Australian study, children conceived with ART had a 9 per cent chance of a major birth defect compared with a 4 per cent chance in naturally conceived children. The study was published in the medical journal New England Journal of Medicine (2002; 346: 725-30). This increased risk was the same whether the children were from single or multiple pregnancies, the review of all births in Western Australia showed. The use of ART also increased the chances of multiple major defects, chromosomal and musculoskeletal defects. Age of the mother and parity (the number of times she has given birth before) and the sex of the child did not affect the results. The US study showed a 2.3 per cent increased risk of low birth weight in term singleton children (as oppo sed to children from multiple births, such as twins) conceived with ART compared to children conceived naturally (New England Journal of Medicine 2002; 3 46: 731-37). The risk did not vary according to the cause of infertility, and because the mothers were all apparently healthy, the increased risk of low birth weight after ART may be directly related to the techniques themselves, the authors suggested. B) ETHICAL ISSUES 1) Creation and Transfer of a Single Embryo in Reproductive Technology: This paper from the Southern Cross Bioethics institute in Australia, analyses the many complex moral issues involving IVF, even is a couple does everything possible to avoid embryo loss in the process. CLICK HERE for full paper. If one considers that human life begins at conception, when the embryo has a unique genetic code that will guide its growth and development until old age, this paper shows how impossible it is for IVF to be practiced in a way that respects that new life. 2) IVF in the UK - over 2 million embryonic lives lost since 1991 : 2,137,924 human embryos were created by specialists while assisting couples in the UK to have babies between 1991 and 2005, according to BioNews . During this period, the HFEA informs us that the total of live babies born through IVF procedures was 109,469. In other words only 5.1% of all embryos created resulted in a Live Birth. 3) Catholic Church Teaching and

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Chain of Metaphors A Christmas Carol CD essays

Chain of Metaphors A Christmas Carol CD essays "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, is a story that is rich in metaphors that ultimately questions the morals and ethics of the authors society during the time of hislife, the industrial revolutionized society. In the story, the main character, Ebenezer Scrooge, is a greedy, rich accountant who is visited by his old business partner ghost, Jacob Marley. Marley's ghost tells Scrooge that he may face a penalty of becoming a lost soul if he continues to value money more than anything else in his life. He also foretells that Scrooge will be visited by three other ghosts that will give him the chance to redeem himself, and he can break an iron chain of greed that he has woven. Each time a ghost visits Scrooge, he will become more aware of the failures of the society he lives in. The ghosts will also let Scrooge see his contributions to those failures. As Dickens writes the story of the three visits, we are able to out more about Scrooges inner self-character. We learn this about him as he finds out about his own fellow man and his community. The crux of the story is alluded to in the ingenious metaphors Dickens creeates to illustrate his own reflection on Nineteenth Century society. In the beginning of the story, Scrooge and his assistant Bob Cratchit are working at Scrooge's counting house on a very cold night, Christmas Eve. Scrooges offices are nearly freezing, because of the dreadful weather. They depend on using coal to keep warm. Scrooge is satisfied with a very small fire that he barely keeps going. More than that he thinks is unnecessary warmth. On the other hand, Bob Cratchit's fire is nothing but one dying morsel of coal. "Scrooge had a very small fire, but his clerk's fire was so very much smaller that it looked like one coal." The irony in only using a small piece of coal is that they both had two entirely different reasons for not using more coal. Bob Cratchit is...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Introduction of ICT Industry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Introduction of ICT Industry - Assignment Example 1). As such, it can be observed that the phenomenal growth of ICT especially the internet has dramatically revolutionised the business landscape across the whole globe (Cloete, 2001). The advent of the internet has resulted in a boom of e-business activities between individuals as well as other organisations. This is commonly referred to as e-commerce where a range of online business activities for products and services are carried out (Andam, 2003). ICT supports online business which has significantly gained prominence during the recent years. It can also be seen that there have been various global changes in the ICT industry. For instance, Andam (2003) posits to the effect that developments in the Internet and Web-based technologies have resulted in the narrowing of distinctions between traditional markets and the global electronic marketplace-such as business capital size. The â€Å"International Data Corp (IDC) estimates the value of global e-commerce in 2000 at US$350.38 billio n and was projected to climb to as high as US$3.14 trillion by 2004,† (Andam, 2003, p.6). This major change in the global ICT industry is mainly attributed to the fact that information and communication technology is used to enhance one’s business where computer mediated network is used. Governments and businesses across the globe are investing heavily in the ICT sector in order to keep pace with the global changes in this particular industry. New Brunswick’s ICT sector is mainly comprised of organizations that deal with information technology (IT) services and products, telecommunications and interactive digital media (New Brunswick Information & Communications Technology Sector Strategy 2012-2016, n.d). In terms of local changes in IT, it can be seen that growth has been spurred by the following factors: Strong consumer demand for applications for mobile devices, increased productivity, privacy, integration of supply chains, emergence of affordable broadband as well as rapid pace of technological change. These factors have contributed to the changes in the IT sector. The New â€Å"Brunswick’s ICT sector is regarded as a major contributor to the economy, directly employing approximately 8,000 people and generating close to $875 million in Gross Domestic Product (2002$), close to four per cent of the provincial total in 2011,† (New Brunswick Information & Communications Technology Sector Strategy 2012-2016, n.d). The major changes that have been witnessed in this sector are related to its growth. It is expected that the industry grew at an average rate of two per cent since 2006, compared to the average of 1.3 per cent for all sectors. This shows that there have been major strides in the development of this particular industry compared to other industries in the province. The other major notable change is that it offers 100% broadband coverage which is by far a larger development compared to other regions across the whole glob e. With regards to investment, it can be seen that the province has also made efforts to attract investors to develop in this very important sector in as far as business development and growth are concerned. For instance, quite a number of marquee companies in the ICT sector have established operations in the province according to the New Brunswick Information & Communications Technology Sector Strategy 2012-2016.This development has helped the province to increase its visibility as a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Consider the meaning of liberty. What do these documents tell us about Essay

Consider the meaning of liberty. What do these documents tell us about the meaning of liberty in the United States during the late 19th century - Essay Example One of the significant meanings of â€Å"liberty† in the United States during the late 19th century is suggested by Emma Goldman’s essay on patriotism, according to which patriotism is a menace to liberty. In other words, liberty was comprehended as a concept which highlighted the anti-patriotic views of the people in the US during this time. According to Goldman, patriotism is all about a life of slavish submission, vice, and distortion, etc during peace, and a life of danger, exposure, and death, etc. at time of war. To her, â€Å"there is still enough of the spirit of independence and love of liberty left in the average American to risk starvation rather than don the uniform.† (Goldman, 7) Therefore, liberty is not possible for an individual when patriotism demands total submission of the individual freedom to the nation. In a reflective analysis of the law-system and the justice-system of the nation during the late 19th century, it becomes evident that individual liberty was cut back in the name of the public welfare. Thus, the concept of liberty was comprehended as something above the law-system and the justice-system which aimed at public welfare. â€Å"We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence.† (Buck v. Bell, 2) The meaning of the term ‘liberty’ during the late 19th century was also affected by policies of the government in the United States of America, especially the foreign policies. Accordingly, the government policy for the immigration of foreigners to the nation also affected the enjoyment of liberty by the citizens of the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Masculinity and Its Link in the Importance Essay Example for Free

Masculinity and Its Link in the Importance Essay Victorian ideas of masculinity. The concept of Victorian masculinity is a diverse one since it was influenced by numerous aspects and factors such as domesticity, economy, gender roles, imperialism, manners, religion and much more. Some of these aspects seem to be quite naturally related to one another, while others seem none-relational. For the males, this included a vast amount of pride in their work, protectiveness over their wives, and an aptitude for good social behaviour. The Victorians saw manliness as good, a form of control over maleness, which was brutish. Christianity contributed much to the Victorian concept of masculinity. The real Victorian man was to be spiritual and a faithful believer. The husband and father was considered to be the head of the household, but his duty was to rule. Victorian men were not only competing for respect within their own sex, but they needed to impress the women too. If they were not married, it depicted that they were not fully masculine because they did not have a family to support. Supporting a family was a sign of true success within the male sex. In the text so far Oscar Wilde shows Earnest/Jacks eagerness as a sign he could trying to assert his masculinity because that is what Victorian society is so judgemental. Prescribing the notion that women were born to dream of marriage, Cecily and Gwendolyn, from The Importance of Being Earnest, are caught up in the fantasies of the perfect marriage to the perfect earnest husband. Cecily and Gwendolyn are fixated on the name Earnest, almost as if it were an obsession; it is the ideal name for their future husbands. They are determined not to marry a man unless he is called Earnest because they believe a man with this name will automatically live up to the name’s expectations of being serious, honourable, and moral. In Wilde’s play, he comically satirizes the name â€Å"Earnest,† through the portrayal of two deceitful men whom the women fantasize as being ideal men worthy of marriage â€Å"My ideal has always been to love some one of the name of Earnest ’ These two men claim to live up to the Victorian ideals, but then live another life outside of the community to escape the society’s pressures. Henceforth, in the play, the men fall under the pressure of women and Victorian ideals rather than staying true to their identity and personalities. Even when Jack tries to admit his real name, Gwendolyn becomes lost in her ideals of a fantasized husband named Earnest and discourages Jack from confessing his real name. She uses the knowledge that she has learned from the Victorian society to judge whether someone by the name of â€Å"John† or â€Å"Jack† would be a suitable husband for her, and in doing so, she manipulates Jack into hiding his identity out of fear of losing Gwendolyn. He believes the only way Gwendolyn will accept him is to say his name is Earnest.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Mental Health And Young People Social Work Essay

Mental Health And Young People Social Work Essay What is mental health with young people? Mental health can present itself in many different way such as; anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. Mental disorders as suggested above may not only occur at times that could be a predictable reaction to a life changing event such as bereavement (Colman, 2006). A mental disorder is a pattern of psychological symptoms that may show a common foundation or recognisable pattern, that will negatively affect important areas of functioning or significantly increase the risk of death (Colman, 2006). Many different reports have been researched for this essay and they suggest different ages for a young person therefore, this essay will suggest that a young person is aged between 12 and 18. This essay will concentrate on the aspect of self-harm in young people. Self-harm is an act which consists of deliberate injury or pain being inflicted to ones own body. Most commonly this takes the form of cutting however, some other forms include; burning, scratching, picking, scraping, biting and sometimes pulling hair or eyelashes out. Self-harm is often used as a release of emotions that cannot be spoken and can offer the individual the means to attempt to deal with distress (Babiker et al, 2001). Historical context of social work within the service/field Twenty years ago there was an emphasis on joint working however, this is not easy to achieve due to organisational cultures and professional language barriers but research does show this to have better outcomes for young people and their families, this concept of joint work has continued through the last two decades (Southall, 2005).Government policy in recent years had supported joint work and also occasionally placed statutory duty upon agencies to achieve it. These difficulties can be overcome by the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) 8 states the need to adapt to changing contexts and to operate effectively with in multi-agency settings. Within the Standards of Proficiency (SoP) standard 9 depicts the abilities to work with others, including those in a different role. PCF 9 should be look at as to why these professionals found it difficult to make this transition as they should be responsible for their own learning and development which could have broken down the barriers between the different professionals. Is there continuity or has the social work field changed over time, and if so how and over what period? For social workers, procedures changed to this difficult multi agency joint work, this placed higher demands upon the social workers who were not as highly trained as other agencies in mental health issues. Changes were made to the Mental Health Act 1983 in 2007 including Professional roles: it is broadening the group of practitioners who can take on the functions currently performed by the approved social worker and responsible medical officer. Consider the ethos of the social work field or service you are presenting The ideas or ethos of mental health has changed immensely over the past two decades. Mental health is more open to the public as an illness that affects many people and does not make these people a definite threat to those around them. Social work has a significant role to play in coordinating efforts to support individuals and groups who may often have negative experiences and perceptions of mental health services. Social workers need to maintain a broader social view of mental health problems especially in regard to concerns about discriminatory practices, civil rights and social justice this aspect is included in the PCF 2,3 and 4. In accordance to the PCF 5 social workers have the knowledge, training and education that allows them to develop understanding and awareness of issues such as oppression, power and social exclusion and it has made social workers aware of their own abilities for oppression towards others. What is the service user/carers view about the service you have chosen? What is the role of the social worker in providing the service? What is the role of the social worker in providing the service? Social workers have had a key role of providing an independent view in assessments. Providing critical perspective drawn from a range of social sciences has been paramount to the training of social workers in the mental health services this complies with the PCF of knowledge and SoP 13 which also relates to knowledge and its use. Additional responsibilities will be likely for social workers employed in a mental health trust such as care management and representation of social circumstances in mental health tribunals. Social work practise is underpinned to promote social justice and challenge oppression, therefore social workers are in theory well placed to aid other mental health professionals working with service users and to collaborate on ways of recovery. These roles include the use of all of the PCF along with SoP 9, 11 and 13. How does current policy about the service (adults or children and young people) impact on service delivery? The Childrens Act 1989, suggest that a child is considered to be at harm if there is impairment of health which includes mental health. The definition of a child in need is one that is unlikely to achieve a reasonable standard of health (mental) without the provision of services. The Health Act 1999 contains a extensive section on partnership with other authorities which suggests that the NHS will exercise their functions along with other authority bodies and they will co-operate with one another to secure and advance the health and welfare of people in England and Wales. The white paper Modernising Social Services (1998) suggests the launch of the Quality Protects programme will transform the whole of the childrens social services. Improving protection with eight regional Commissions for Care Standards and working to national standards. The white paper Modernising Health and Social Services-National Priorities Guidance (1998) commits to reducing waiting times for services along with contributing to the development of outreach teams. This paper also wants to increase and improve services for children and adolescents including early intervention and prevention programmes for children. What do you consider might be the future of the service/field? Modern practise

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ending School Shootings

Justin Bizarro Mrs. Nye English 1301 14 November 2012 Stopping the Tragedy of School Shootings Every single day, millions of kids across the country wake up, get ready for the day, and head to school. The parents of these children trust the school with many things; a safe bus ride, a productive environment, and most importantly, keeping their kids safe throughout the day. School districts take pride in this, and on a normal basis, things will go smoothly. Despite all of their efforts, though, one of the most serious and saddening problems that affects schools today is the occurrence of school shootings.Since 1980, there have been over 50 deadly shootings in the United States that occurred on school campuses. There have been many actions taken to prevent these terrible acts, but because they are so unpredictable, shootings still occur. There are many more things we can do to prevent school shootings, horrible events that do not need to occur, and to help those who suffer from thoughts of violence. Shootings have been a problem for hundreds of years. Beginning in 1927, individuals have been driven to intense measures and have taken it out on classmates, teachers, or even random victims.Unfortunately, almost every single incident involving school shootings could have been avoided if people would have taken precautions and said something. Dr. Fred Bemak, a professor at George Mason University, feels that situations can be dodged if we just talk to one another. â€Å"This is a very individualistic society, and we need to work more toward becoming a collective one. We need to work in groups to help foster tolerance and acceptance for others† (Orr 92). One of the most saddening things is the fact that often times, the attacker is a victim driven to these extremes.There are many different things that can be pointed to as the cause of school shootings, including mental disorders and family trouble, but perhaps the largest contributor is bullying. â€Å"One-third of U. S. students have experienced bullying, either as a target or the perpetrator, and 8 percent of those reported bullying or being bullied at least once a week† (Orr 25). We constantly hear the media telling us about how serious of a problem bullying in schools is, but even the news underestimates how bad it is.According to a study produced by Secret Service after the Columbine shooting, one of the most famous deadly school shootings ever, bullying is a leading cause in driving someone to a breaking point. â€Å"Many attackers felt bullied, persecuted, or injured by others prior to the attack† (Threat Assessment). Bullying is something that will never entirely go away, but there is not nearly enough being done to put an end to it. If this problem were taken out of the equation, hundreds of lives could have been saved.More programs need to be put into place that make people aware of this impending problem, and schools need to be more firm about putting their foot dow n against bullying when it occurs. In turn, the chances of a victim lashing out will be hugely diminished. In this day and age, firearms are much too easy to acquire. There are laws that say you must be a certain age to purchase a gun, and laws that make the punishments clear for supplying a minor with a weapon, but kids across the country find ways to get them illegally with ease. In the eyes of gun-control advocates, the correlation between violence and a growing supply of guns is clear: the greater availability of guns leads to more gun-related deaths† (Gun Control). Guns are a great thing for many reasons, and in the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution, every American has the right to possess a gun, but in the wrong hands they can have deadly consequences. They also become all the more dangerous when someone driven to the breaking point owns one, and lashes out. Shootings can be entirely spontaneous and throwing a deadly weapon into the picture makes them all the scarier. Gu n-control advocates add that the mere existence of a gun in a home raises a family's risk of harm significantly. A 1993 study by criminologist Arthur Kellerman, for example, concluded that the presence of a gun in the home actually triples the risk that someone in the home will be killed† (Gun Control). By reducing the access to firearms, the school shootings will be directly effected in a positive way. Students aren’t the only people who start school shootings. There are countless stories of former students and adults coming onto school campuses and shooting them up.One of the leading questions is how did they get on to the campuses so easily? â€Å"Backers stress that the chief reason for imposing mandatory-ID policies is to improve the safety of students in school buildings and around campus. By requiring students to carry IDs, trespassers can be detected more easily, they say† (Student ID Cards). Generally, when someone wants to enter a school campus during t he school day, they have a specific purpose for going there. Assuming someone wanting to access a school is up to no good would be wrong, but it goes back to the old saying, â€Å"better safe than sorry†.ID’ing people coming and going from schools would definitely not be a hindrance to anyone, and if it could prevent deadly attacks from happening, what would the harm be? â€Å"More than three-quarters of school shooters had a history of suicidal thoughts, threats, gestures, or attempts. Most of these students were known to have been severely depressed or desperate at some point before their attacks† (Threat Assessment). Approximately 1 in 4 people in the United States suffer or have suffered from depression at some point in their lives. To really comprehend this, an understanding of the meaning depression is crucial.Dictionary. com defines depression as â€Å"a mental disorder characterized by extreme gloom, feelings of inadequacy, and inability to concentrateà ¢â‚¬ . Depression is a serious mental-health issue, and it takes a strong toll on its victims. Thankfully, modern medicine is advanced enough that we can now treat people with this truly awful condition, helping their personal lives along with preventing possible dangerous situations stemming from this disorder. By beginning to identify these individuals, we can help them by getting them medical attention and counseling to assist them in their troubles.Many victims think that there is no hope for them, or anyone else they know, so they take drastic measures. No situation needs to ever be escalated to the point of violence, and if these victims can be helped soon enough, we could prevent shootings everywhere. After a school shooting occurs, there is often a common feeling of sorrow, a tense atmosphere, and a sense of confusion, and rightfully so, considering that people have been hurt or killed. The way that the school and teachers cope with the aftermath is a crucial step in healin g. Beyond just dealing with the physical injuries and/or deaths, there will be students who are emotionally or mentally traumatized by the entire incident† (Orr 150). These students have just seen things that no one should ever have see, and people that they knew on a daily basis were either involved or affected. At this stage, teachers have a right to take action, and there is more that can be done. Counseling is a very good solution for these students. Talking about how they are feeling is proven to help the healing process, and it can help spot students who may be having the same thoughts as the shooter, but have hidden them. Schools may decide to have prepared crisis teams on hand to help students with their various reactions, which may include anything from suicide to paralyzing grief to insomnia to paranoia† (Orr 150). This is just another way that future violent events can be prevented, and a difference can be made in schools across America. School shootings have been a problem in our country for too long. As we continue to grow as a nation, we must remember all of those victims of shootings- not just those people who have passed away, but the families of those people as well.The easy thing to do is to condescendingly look at all of the hurt and pain, destruction and havoc caused by school shootings, but instead of turning into pessimists. We should be optimistic about the good things going on to defend against these attacks. A wise man once pointed out, â€Å"Rome wasn’t built in a day†. While we learn in our knowledge of techniques for ending this problem, we need to be patient and realize that when tragedies do occur, we can turn them into valuable learning experiences.By putting a stop to bullying, being more careful with gun laws, and helping those who suffer from depression, we can prevent school shootings. Let’s band together, take a stand, and act to save lives across the country. Works Cited â€Å"Key Findings from the ‘Threat Assessment' Guide for Schools. † Issues ; Controversies On File: Issues ; Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 11 May 2007. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. Orr, Tamra. â€Å"Violence In Our Schools: Halls of Hope, Halls of Fear. † Danbury: Scholastic, 2003. Print. â€Å"School Safety. Issues & Controversies On File: Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 15 Feb. 2005. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. â€Å"School Safety: Statistical Update. † Issues ; Controversies On File: Issues ; Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 2 Nov. 2006. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Student ID Cards. † Issues ; Controversies On File: Issues ; Controversies. Facts On File News Services. 17 Dec. 2004. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Update: Gun Control. † Issues ; Controversies On File: Issues ; Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 29 May 1998. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. Ending School Shootings Justin Bizarro Mrs. Nye English 1301 14 November 2012 Stopping the Tragedy of School Shootings Every single day, millions of kids across the country wake up, get ready for the day, and head to school. The parents of these children trust the school with many things; a safe bus ride, a productive environment, and most importantly, keeping their kids safe throughout the day. School districts take pride in this, and on a normal basis, things will go smoothly. Despite all of their efforts, though, one of the most serious and saddening problems that affects schools today is the occurrence of school shootings.Since 1980, there have been over 50 deadly shootings in the United States that occurred on school campuses. There have been many actions taken to prevent these terrible acts, but because they are so unpredictable, shootings still occur. There are many more things we can do to prevent school shootings, horrible events that do not need to occur, and to help those who suffer from thoughts of violence. Shootings have been a problem for hundreds of years. Beginning in 1927, individuals have been driven to intense measures and have taken it out on classmates, teachers, or even random victims.Unfortunately, almost every single incident involving school shootings could have been avoided if people would have taken precautions and said something. Dr. Fred Bemak, a professor at George Mason University, feels that situations can be dodged if we just talk to one another. â€Å"This is a very individualistic society, and we need to work more toward becoming a collective one. We need to work in groups to help foster tolerance and acceptance for others† (Orr 92). One of the most saddening things is the fact that often times, the attacker is a victim driven to these extremes.There are many different things that can be pointed to as the cause of school shootings, including mental disorders and family trouble, but perhaps the largest contributor is bullying. â€Å"One-third of U. S. students have experienced bullying, either as a target or the perpetrator, and 8 percent of those reported bullying or being bullied at least once a week† (Orr 25). We constantly hear the media telling us about how serious of a problem bullying in schools is, but even the news underestimates how bad it is.According to a study produced by Secret Service after the Columbine shooting, one of the most famous deadly school shootings ever, bullying is a leading cause in driving someone to a breaking point. â€Å"Many attackers felt bullied, persecuted, or injured by others prior to the attack† (Threat Assessment). Bullying is something that will never entirely go away, but there is not nearly enough being done to put an end to it. If this problem were taken out of the equation, hundreds of lives could have been saved.More programs need to be put into place that make people aware of this impending problem, and schools need to be more firm about putting their foot dow n against bullying when it occurs. In turn, the chances of a victim lashing out will be hugely diminished. In this day and age, firearms are much too easy to acquire. There are laws that say you must be a certain age to purchase a gun, and laws that make the punishments clear for supplying a minor with a weapon, but kids across the country find ways to get them illegally with ease. In the eyes of gun-control advocates, the correlation between violence and a growing supply of guns is clear: the greater availability of guns leads to more gun-related deaths† (Gun Control). Guns are a great thing for many reasons, and in the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution, every American has the right to possess a gun, but in the wrong hands they can have deadly consequences. They also become all the more dangerous when someone driven to the breaking point owns one, and lashes out. Shootings can be entirely spontaneous and throwing a deadly weapon into the picture makes them all the scarier. Gu n-control advocates add that the mere existence of a gun in a home raises a family's risk of harm significantly. A 1993 study by criminologist Arthur Kellerman, for example, concluded that the presence of a gun in the home actually triples the risk that someone in the home will be killed† (Gun Control). By reducing the access to firearms, the school shootings will be directly effected in a positive way. Students aren’t the only people who start school shootings. There are countless stories of former students and adults coming onto school campuses and shooting them up.One of the leading questions is how did they get on to the campuses so easily? â€Å"Backers stress that the chief reason for imposing mandatory-ID policies is to improve the safety of students in school buildings and around campus. By requiring students to carry IDs, trespassers can be detected more easily, they say† (Student ID Cards). Generally, when someone wants to enter a school campus during t he school day, they have a specific purpose for going there. Assuming someone wanting to access a school is up to no good would be wrong, but it goes back to the old saying, â€Å"better safe than sorry†.ID’ing people coming and going from schools would definitely not be a hindrance to anyone, and if it could prevent deadly attacks from happening, what would the harm be? â€Å"More than three-quarters of school shooters had a history of suicidal thoughts, threats, gestures, or attempts. Most of these students were known to have been severely depressed or desperate at some point before their attacks† (Threat Assessment). Approximately 1 in 4 people in the United States suffer or have suffered from depression at some point in their lives. To really comprehend this, an understanding of the meaning depression is crucial.Dictionary. com defines depression as â€Å"a mental disorder characterized by extreme gloom, feelings of inadequacy, and inability to concentrateà ¢â‚¬ . Depression is a serious mental-health issue, and it takes a strong toll on its victims. Thankfully, modern medicine is advanced enough that we can now treat people with this truly awful condition, helping their personal lives along with preventing possible dangerous situations stemming from this disorder. By beginning to identify these individuals, we can help them by getting them medical attention and counseling to assist them in their troubles.Many victims think that there is no hope for them, or anyone else they know, so they take drastic measures. No situation needs to ever be escalated to the point of violence, and if these victims can be helped soon enough, we could prevent shootings everywhere. After a school shooting occurs, there is often a common feeling of sorrow, a tense atmosphere, and a sense of confusion, and rightfully so, considering that people have been hurt or killed. The way that the school and teachers cope with the aftermath is a crucial step in healin g. Beyond just dealing with the physical injuries and/or deaths, there will be students who are emotionally or mentally traumatized by the entire incident† (Orr 150). These students have just seen things that no one should ever have see, and people that they knew on a daily basis were either involved or affected. At this stage, teachers have a right to take action, and there is more that can be done. Counseling is a very good solution for these students. Talking about how they are feeling is proven to help the healing process, and it can help spot students who may be having the same thoughts as the shooter, but have hidden them. Schools may decide to have prepared crisis teams on hand to help students with their various reactions, which may include anything from suicide to paralyzing grief to insomnia to paranoia† (Orr 150). This is just another way that future violent events can be prevented, and a difference can be made in schools across America. School shootings have been a problem in our country for too long. As we continue to grow as a nation, we must remember all of those victims of shootings- not just those people who have passed away, but the families of those people as well.The easy thing to do is to condescendingly look at all of the hurt and pain, destruction and havoc caused by school shootings, but instead of turning into pessimists. We should be optimistic about the good things going on to defend against these attacks. A wise man once pointed out, â€Å"Rome wasn’t built in a day†. While we learn in our knowledge of techniques for ending this problem, we need to be patient and realize that when tragedies do occur, we can turn them into valuable learning experiences.By putting a stop to bullying, being more careful with gun laws, and helping those who suffer from depression, we can prevent school shootings. Let’s band together, take a stand, and act to save lives across the country. Works Cited â€Å"Key Findings from the ‘Threat Assessment' Guide for Schools. † Issues ; Controversies On File: Issues ; Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 11 May 2007. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. Orr, Tamra. â€Å"Violence In Our Schools: Halls of Hope, Halls of Fear. † Danbury: Scholastic, 2003. Print. â€Å"School Safety. Issues & Controversies On File: Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 15 Feb. 2005. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. â€Å"School Safety: Statistical Update. † Issues ; Controversies On File: Issues ; Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 2 Nov. 2006. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Student ID Cards. † Issues ; Controversies On File: Issues ; Controversies. Facts On File News Services. 17 Dec. 2004. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Update: Gun Control. † Issues ; Controversies On File: Issues ; Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 29 May 1998. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Develop Marketing Streategies Essay

The company is named Houzit Pty Ltd, it is a retailer for home wares. Houzit is a chain of homewares stores in Brisbane that specializes in bathroom fittings, bedroom fittings, mirrors and decorative items.. It is a growing business. It has 15 stores in Brisbane area, with all stores being managed and coordinated from their head office in Milton. It has 150 staff members. The analysis of each of the aspect of the company overview is provided under the following heads. Strategic direction and Organizational objectives STRATEGIC DIRECTION The strategic directions of Houzit can be ascertained from the company’s vision and mission. Houzit is a national retail brand that is satisfying the home makers’ needs by providing them unique, wide variety of quality homeware products with an easy payment procedure. The mission of the company asserts that the organization is planning to move towards enlargement of its business by ensuring its presence in all the major cities of Australian market by the year 2020. The basic focus of the company is on three parameters: Quality, Unique items and Selection In this post modern era every organization should direct their marketing strategies in way that the strategic goals could be achieved smoothly and efficiently. Strategic direction is a course of action that leads to the attainment of the set goals of a company. It is also the vision of the company that is necessary for success in giving direction for employees to follow in order to achieve set goals. Setting strategic direction involves finding a target direction and committing to get there.  It begins with developing a clear vision for a company thereby increasing its competitive advantage. Mission and vision of a firm Mission is what the firm is, whereas vision is a forward-looking view of what the organization wants to become. Mission statement may include a vision, business definition and values and/or statements about an organization’s purpose. >By 2020,Houzit will have a significant retail presence in home wares in every Australian capital city >Starting with 15 stores in the Great Brisbane area and growing to 100 Australia wide. >Houzit will be a national retail brand, catering to the needs of home makers with a range of unique, high quality home wares made accessible to all through our easy to manage payment plan. Therefore some marketing opportunities have to be analyzed in reaching its goals, so the manager has to provide brief summary evaluating two alternatives, including the benefits and risks associated with each option and finally recommending for the opportunity most likely to produce results. ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVES Here I outline the following marketing objectives: >To bring an annual sales increase of $ 5 million by moving the sales figures from $15 million per year to %20 million per year during the next three years period. >To enhance the list of loyal customers from 10,000 to 15,000 >Considering Brisbane as a potential market, brand recognition need to be established so that one out of every 3 people will recognise the Houzit brand in a random survey that is conducted in 18 months’ time. Current size, capabilities and resources of the organization ORGANATIONAL SIZE The size of the organization occupies 1,000-1,500m2. CAPABILITIES Capabilities: Each of the Houzit store has a capacity to generate the following sales breakup Bathroom fittings: 30% Bedrooms furnishings: 35% Mirrors and decorative items: 20% Lighting fixtures: 15% The organization is able to manage a high customer loyalty among repeat customers as it is a valuable assets for any organization. Moreover they can exceed competitors by offering in quality, range and accessibility. RESOURCES OF THE ORGANIZATION HUMAN RESOURSES Houzit has the valuable assest ,that is human resources ,15-20 fulltime employees along with number of casual workers .Staffs works are excellent with highly skilled and knowledgeable about home wares. PHYSICAL RESOURSES Especially for a commercial urban district Houzit possesses a great retail space that is bright, functional and efficient. Gaps between the objectives and the current capabilities and resources Gap analysis serves as the tool that will help to decide between multiple marketing options (Precision Group, 2009). The objectives that are set by Houzit are difficult to be achieved with the current capabilities and resources. It is because company has limited number of employees. In addition to it, the focus with which company operates to have its stores as bright and comfortable for shopping is not in alignment with the legislations that are put forth by the government. In this manner Houzit will have a gap between the objectives set for the company and the current strategies, capabilities and resources of the company. Opportunities With the help of external environment analysis, a company will be able to develop a list of opportunities and threats that are provided by the environmental factors (David, 2006). This section of task 1 highlights the two major opportunities for Houzit along with their analysis. Two marketing opportunities that meet the objectives and the evaluation of risk and benefits of each opportunity are: * A growing market in high growth area with a significant percentage of the target market still not aware of Houzit’s offer. * Increase sales opportunities outside of our target area-greater Brisbane. Marketing mix Houzit’s marketing mix is comprised of these following approaches to pricing, distribution, advertising and promotion, and customer service.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Margaret Sanger

â€Å"No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her own body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not become a mother† (Sanger 1920). Woman of the Twenty-First century have many reliable options to choose from when deciding on the birth control method that is right for them until they decide to conceive. Yet, birth control was not always available to woman in the United States. The Comstock Act signed into law by President Grant in 1873, restricted the transport of contraceptives, or any information about them through the mail. Many women, who were later joined by a few men, fought relentlessly for the primal right of every person to have absolute control over their own body. The main front runner in the fight for woman to have the means to take control over her own destiny was Margaret Sanger. As a visiting nurse and midwife in New York’s slums, Margaret Sanger got a front row seat to the despair facing many women in the early 20th century. The state of the people in which Margaret worked with was a nightmare to her. â€Å"There seemed no sense to it all, no reason for such waste of mother life, no right to exhaust women’s vitality and throw them on the scrap-heap before the age of thirty five† (Sanger 1931). She heard of many ways the woman try to induce abortion unsuccessfully. Even on the days she worked in better parts of town she would hear women consulting midwives and doctors for advice on limiting their families, but were denied any information. (Sanger 1931) Margaret began asking the doctors what she could do herself to help the women and was told to stay out of it or Anthony Comstock would be after her. She was then told about the laws that existed against â€Å"this kind of thing.† But, Margaret still wanted to do something to help women have access to contraception methods. Then, she contacted Feminist groups who laughed at the idea of bringing such ... Free Essays on Margaret Sanger Free Essays on Margaret Sanger â€Å"No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her own body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not become a mother† (Sanger 1920). Woman of the Twenty-First century have many reliable options to choose from when deciding on the birth control method that is right for them until they decide to conceive. Yet, birth control was not always available to woman in the United States. The Comstock Act signed into law by President Grant in 1873, restricted the transport of contraceptives, or any information about them through the mail. Many women, who were later joined by a few men, fought relentlessly for the primal right of every person to have absolute control over their own body. The main front runner in the fight for woman to have the means to take control over her own destiny was Margaret Sanger. As a visiting nurse and midwife in New York’s slums, Margaret Sanger got a front row seat to the despair facing many women in the early 20th century. The state of the people in which Margaret worked with was a nightmare to her. â€Å"There seemed no sense to it all, no reason for such waste of mother life, no right to exhaust women’s vitality and throw them on the scrap-heap before the age of thirty five† (Sanger 1931). She heard of many ways the woman try to induce abortion unsuccessfully. Even on the days she worked in better parts of town she would hear women consulting midwives and doctors for advice on limiting their families, but were denied any information. (Sanger 1931) Margaret began asking the doctors what she could do herself to help the women and was told to stay out of it or Anthony Comstock would be after her. She was then told about the laws that existed against â€Å"this kind of thing.† But, Margaret still wanted to do something to help women have access to contraception methods. Then, she contacted Feminist groups who laughed at the idea of bringing such ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

10 Best Romance Novels That Have Gone Underappreciated

10 Best Romance Novels That Have Gone Underappreciated 10 Best Romance Novels That Have Gone Underappreciated There are many romance novels out there. Some better than others, granted, but what makes some the best of the best? What gives them that je ne sais quoi factor we’re all craving, some of us even trying to emulate when writing a novel ourselves?I could go about this list in many different ways, but I’ve decided not to make this one a common, boring, clichà © list. No.This is not that kind of list; this will give you the best romance novels in different categories and the reasons why you’ll fall in love with them!Here are the 11 best romance novels:Slammed by Colleen HooverFangirl by Rainbow RowellThe Notebook by Nicholas SparksThe Hating Game by Sally ThorneThe Light We Lost by Jill SantopoloDance Until Dawn by Berni StevensPride and Prejudice by Jane AustenMe Before You by Jojo MoyesGone with the Wind by Margaret MitchellIt Ends with Us by Colleen HooverSimon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky AlbertalliNOTE: Ready to write your own romance novel to be making lists like this one day? Check out our VIP Fiction Self-Publishing Program so you can make that happen. Learn more about it hereSide note: you’ll need a big box of tissues for most of these, so be sure to grab one before you dive in!Best Romance Books Per CategoryThe answer is for pulling novels from specific categories is simple: there are far too many amazing books out there to choose from and if you’re mapping out a list of the best, you’re going to miss a few important ones.Categorizing them makes sense because you’ll be able to decide for yourself which type of book you’d enjoy more.Consequently, you’ll find the best one in each category here. Once you finish it, you’ll be able to say if you enjoy that theme or not. And if not, you’re ready to jump into one of the other picks.11 Best Romance NovelsIf youre looking for a quick read for a weekend or want to learn in order to write your own book, this list can give you some i nspiration.#1 Slammed by Colleen HooverCategory: Poetry, specifically slam poetryRomance Novel Summary: Layken, an 18-year-older student meets her new neighbour, Will. Will is 21. They have an instant connection based on their similar likes, which gives Layken hope for happier days.Once their connection is deep within you and you love them, there’s a revelation that shocks them and us, and they can’t be together. The problem is, they really want to.Why You’ll Love It: If you’re not reading it because you love slam poetry, don’t worry. You’ll love slam poetry once you’re finshed! You may even want to try your hand at writing poetry afterward.I had heard a few poems before but with this book, I became totally obsessed with slam poetry. It takes the novel to a higher level and forces us readers to connect with it a lot more. It becomes personal.It’s also easy to identify ourselves with this story because it discusses topics that we’ve all had to face, including death and grief. Colleen is a brilliant writer and she just knows how to pull your strings.Quote: â€Å"Question everything. Your love, your religion, your passion. If you dont have questions, youll never find answers.†#2 Fangirl by Rainbow RowellCategory: Young Adult RomanceRomance Novel Summary: You’ll meet Cath Avery, who has a total opposite twin sister, Wren. When they both start college, Wren tells Cath she doesn’t want to be her roommate and they should live their college experience separately.Then, one day, between her awkwardness and fan-fiction stories, she meets Levi. And then everything changes. Slowly. But it changes.Why You’ll Love It:This is not only a young adult romance, not only about love. It’s also about making decisions at a young age and growth. The story is beautifully structured, and you won’t be able to put it down before you finish it.Besides having a really solid love story, you’ll also have a good laugh when diving into Rowell’s world.Quote: â€Å"In new situations, all the trickiest rules are the ones nobody bothers to explain to you. (And the ones you cant Google.)†#3 The Notebook by Nicholas SparksCategory: Greatest Love StoryRomance Novel Summary:This is the story of Noah Calhoun and Allie Nelson. It is set in North Carolina after the Second World War. Noah thinks of Allie, a girl he had met 14 years prior. And one day, she shows up in his town.Nicholas Sparks is the master of twists and turns in love stories and this one does not disappoint. This is a book of surprises that will test Noah and Allie’s love until the end.Why You’ll Love It:I mean, do I really need an explanation here? Everyone knows Nicholas Sparks and that his books are amazing and will leave you in tears!If you’ve watched the movie, read the book. If you haven’t watched the movie, read the book! It’ll break your heart in th e most beautiful possible way.Quote: â€Å"Every great love starts with a great story†#4 The Hating Game by Sally ThorneCategory: Modern RomanceRomance Novel Summary:Lucy Hutton is a nice, sweet girl; Joshua Templeman is her opposite: cold and grumpy. They meet when the publishing houses they work at merge. It’s hate at first sight.But everything changes with a kiss†¦Why You’ll Love It:Two opposites attract†¦ isn’t it just brilliant when you have a love/hate relationship in one of your books?Because this is a modern romance, the storyline is also modern, which is the reason why many, many people love this novel. It’s easy to relate with it and Lucy is like the next-door neighbor, you just adore her.And with this title, how you could NOT want to read it?Quote: â€Å"Its a corporate truth universally acknowledged that workers would rather eat rat skeletons than participate in group activities.†#5 The Light We Lost by Jill Santopolo Category: Loss and GriefRomance Novel Summary:Lucy is a senior in college at Columbia University when she meets Gabe, also a college senior. They meet on an ill-fated day that will shape their lives and the lives of those around them forever.They meet throughout the years but there’s always something in between them, there’s always something preventing them from being together.And in the end, Lucy has a very important decision to make. What will she decide to do?Why You’ll Love It:If you’ve read and love PS: I Love You by Cecelia Ahern, this book should be next on your list.I think it’s beautiful the way Santopolo deals with loss and grief, which are two themes so close and tangled with the subject of love.Even though they can be difficult to approach, the message is important and not every romance needs a stereotypical happily ever after.Quote: â€Å"Maybe it’s the act of opening yourself up, letting someone else in- or maybe it’s t he act of caring so deeply about another person that it expands your heart.†#6 Dance Until Dawn by Berni StevensCategory: Fantasy RomanceRomance Novel Summary:This is the first book in a series called â€Å"Immortals of London†. Ellie Wakefield has been saved from death by William Austen, a 300-year-old vampire.Ellie has to learn about this new world and together they face unexpected challenges.Why You’ll Love It:Who doesn’t love a good-ol’ vampire story? Add to that a little old banter, and there you have it, the perfect novel!Fantasy and romance are just like peanut butter and jelly; there’s no reason why they should go together, but they do, formidably.This book is full of mystery and Stevens has written it in a way that you just crave for more. It’s fresh, well-detailed but very easy to read.Quote: â€Å"I understand that this is rather a lot to take in,’ he said. ‘But I would appreciate it if you would stop referrin g to me as either psychotic or perverted.’ ‘Well I’d appreciate not being kidnapped and shut in this filthy hole.’ ‘Touchà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢.†#7 Pride and Prejudice by Jane AustenCategory: Feminism and Classic LiteratureRomance Novel Summary:The story revolves around the Bennets, a noble family that doesn’t have a lot of money because of Mr. Bennet, the father.It all starts when two single noblemen arrive to town and, as it is custom, meet the single women, because ain’t it universally acknowledged â€Å"that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife†?When Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy meet, it’s not all rainbows and flowers, but would it be a real love story if it was otherwise?Why You’ll Love It:Classics are important for a reason, and that reason is mostly because they’ll teach you something about the past, which most often than not, still has some truth in the present day.Youâ€⠄¢ll love Pride and Prejudice because Jane Austen wrote it for everyone to dream about it. It’s an important story that needs to be read.Elizabeth Bennet was born way ahead of her time and she’s here to teach you a lesson in sarcasm and feminism – you just cannot not read it!Quote: â€Å"He is a gentleman, and I am a gentlemans daughter. So far we are equal.†#8 Me Before You by Jojo MoyesCategory: Illness and LossRomance Novel Summary:Louisa Clark loses her job and desperately needs to find another one. When the opportunity of taking care of Will Traynor, a young man that is wheelchair bound, knocks on her door, she doesn’t jump of happiness.It’s a slow start and their relationship doesn’t seem to evolve, but as any other love story, there are twists and surprises along the way for both Louisa and Will.Why You’ll Love It:This is a story of poor meets rich, good meets bad, but not at all as you’d expect it to be.Itâ€⠄¢s not even about these pairs at all. But you’ll connect, at first, with the main character, Louisa, because of this. She’s simple and relatable.You’ll read it in an afternoon and you’ll still be crying months later.Quote: â€Å"I will never, ever regret the things Ive done. Because most days, all you have are places in your memory that you can go to.†#9 Gone with the Wind by Margaret MitchellCategory: History, specifically the Civil WarRomance Novel Summary:Scarlett O’Hara has a hard task at hand: she’s fighting for her family’s plantation and for the love of her life – if that wasn’t enough, this is amid the Civil War.In the end, will she get it all or lose everything?Why You’ll Love It:It’s History holding hands with a love story, what more could you need?It has the charm of the south in a very troubling period of history; it’s family and love struggles. It’s one of the most popula r books ever written, and you just need to find out why!Quote: â€Å"It was better to know the worst than to wonder.†#10 It Ends with Us by Colleen HooverCategory: Abusive RelationshipsRomance Novel Summary:Lily is a determined, successful woman. She had a difficult life growing up, but she never stopped fighting for what she truly loved. She meets Ryle who has a no-dating rule, but they quickly become close.She thinks he had a difficult past too, but she can’t figure out what happened exactly. When things start changing, she’s put in a place she never wanted to be back again.â€Å"Sometimes it is the one who loves you who hurts you the most.†Why You’ll Love It:If you’re looking for strong-minded, determined women, this book is for you. Lily is written in a way that you’ll be rooting for her from page 1.It’s a book that will touch some of you deeply and will haunt you for many years after the last page was turned. A beautiful love story that has more to it.Quote: â€Å"Just because someone hurts you doesnt mean you can simply stop loving them. Its not a persons actions that hurt the most. Its the love. If there was no love attached to the action, the pain would be a little easier to bear.†#11 Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky AlbertalliCategory: LGBTQ+Romance Novel Summary:Simon is 16 and very much homosexual, however, no one knows. When his secret is about to be revealed, a series of events lead him to being blackmailed.He’ll try to navigate high school without anyone finding out his secret while not messing up his friendships nor his own life.Why You’ll Love It:This is a fun yet serious book. The characters are well-created, and the dialogues are hilarious.The topic is an extremely important one nowadays and the lack of novels about the LGBTQ+ community make this one a success.The hardships of being teenager and on top of that, one with a secret, are well played in this n ovel and you’ll easily fall in love with Simon (and Blue).Quote: â€Å"Why is straight the default? Everyone should have to declare one way or another, and it shouldnt be this big awkward thing whether youre straight, gay, bi, or whatever. Im just saying.†Romance novels are unique in many waysIf you’re looking for a happily ever after, maybe you won’t find it in all these books.However, aren’t stories closer to our reality a whole lot better? They allow us to think of our successes and failures and give us hope for a better future.If you’re looking for page-turners, refer to this list. I promise you these are novels you won’t be able to put down once you’ve read the first page!Do you want your next novel to make a list like this?If you love romance novels enough to give writing your own a try, weve got what you need next.Check out this free training so your story can be a step above the rest.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Politics - Essay Example Thus, they could be distinguished in accordance to the effective number of parties that they have (Golosov, 2010). As mentioned, party systems come in various types. Two of the most popular are the two-party system and the multi-party system. A two-party system is a state by which democracies are dominated by only two parties. While there may be other parties existing in the sidelines, those are of no real threat to the two main ones and exercise no real political significance. In this system, either of the parties should be able to gain enough numbers of working majority post-election and obtain a position that will allow it to govern without the other party’s support. Expectedly, power will change rotationally in a two-party system (, 2011). Moreover, in a two-party system, the voter is presented with a simple choice. Additionally, in this type of party system, political moderation is promoted since the incumbent party can appeal to the so-called â⠂¬Å"floating voters† in the concerned country. ... However, this is not good for two-party systems. Recent history would also show that the two houses of congress have always been rules by the Democrats up until the time the people voted for George W. Bush. Another country that makes use of the two-party system is Jamaica. This country’s two-party system started during the political rivalry of William Bustamante and Norman Manley. The system that Jamaica has is very similar to the two-party system in North America. The two parties fighting for positions in Jamaica are JLP and PNP. The system in Jamaica differs from the one in the US and Britain due to the following, (1) the wealthy in Jamaica, who are basically the ones that becomes the leaders in the country, are closely knit that of the 1st five prime ministers are related; and (2) the political frame of reference in Jamaica is not class or race but party identification. The members of each party are extremely loyal due mainly to their very strong family ties. At times, viol ence can be the result of antagonism against the other party. Other countries with two-party system of government are New Zealand, Great Britain, Canada (Conservatives and Liberals) and Australia (Liberal Party and Labour Party which has been affected by a third party, i.e., the Country Party) (, n.d.). On the other hand, the multi-party system is one that is made up of more than two political parties that impacts the country’s politics and are able to control government either separately or via a coalition with other parties. In this system, the effective number of parties is from 3 to 10. Under this system, numerous political parties, both major

Friday, November 1, 2019

Summarize Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summarize - Research Paper Example It claims to be an eco-friendly option of transportation, and factually as having reduced the harmful greenhouse gas emissions by more than 1 tonne on average (cited in Tecsult Inc., 2006). Communauto Car-sharing Service: Useful or Not? Before concluding anything about the usefulness of Communauto service for the people, an analysis has been done in the further part of the paper. The usefulness of this service is largely dependent on the response of its users, benefits that car-sharing provides, the target group of people being wide or narrow, the USP (unique selling proposition) of the Communauto service and the market competitors. About Communauto Car-Sharing Service. It involves multiple users using fewer vehicles. It leads to reduction in congestion, pollution-level, number of vehicles per household and reduction of money spent on individual transportation. Communauto Users. The corporate usage of Communauto is more as compared to individual car-sharing, people who drive less and youth associating with ‘Green’ keeping in consideration style and comfort also can be included among the general users of Communauto vehicle service. The usefulness of Communauto lies in the information that its vehicles are eco-friendly through zero-emission cars, low per family car-expenses, lot of stations for Communauto car pick-up, 24 hours availability and low rent.